TECHNO PIN UPS • Card's Collection

Born in Pretoria, in 2056.
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

She was one of the most brilliant students at the New African University and later became a free-lance professor of Biological Technologies.
She obtained amazing success in the field of genetic mutation of the malaria parasite, eradicating this plague from Africa and from other tropical regions.
After she gave the continent this extraordinary improvement in the quality of life, she became a tireless supporter of Africa’s supremacy and got involved in movements that are still fighting to defeat the Whites.
She survived a number of assassination attempts carried out by soldiers of fortune and international killers.
Rumours say that she was saved by monstrous chimera-like creatures, obtained through genetic engineering experiments on cell structures of African savannah animals and human bio-types. It seems she keeps carrying out her unbelievable researches in an excellently equipped space station orbiting around Jupiter.


Tiziano Cremonini is represented by
Thomas Schlueck Literary and Art Agency
Thomas Schlueck Agency

Set of Mail-Cards

Grafica e illustrazioni:
Tiziano Cremonini

Giovanni Corbelli

©1999 Cremonini & Corbelli

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