TECHNO PIN UPS • Card's Collection

Born in Berlin in 2068.
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.

From a very young age she was the spokesperson in audacious advertising campaigns and became extremely popular. The biggest television networks fought to have her. She was worshipped by the public and the biggest multinationals used her to promote the early colonisation of the outer planetary circuits.
After the tragedy of the Twin Domes, which fell and sank into Jupiter liquid hydrogen oceans because of a failure in the orbital systems, Ambrosia retired in the community of Reverend Thara, the prophet of the New Paradises.
She then took the preacher’s place, after his death in a disconcerting accident with the nervine gases that he used to produce visions.
She is still involved in the expansion of the Community and in the increase of the number of proselytes.


Tiziano Cremonini is represented by
Thomas Schlueck Literary and Art Agency
Thomas Schlueck Agency

Set of Mail-Cards

Tiziano Cremonini

Giovanni Corbelli

©1999 Cremonini & Corbelli

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